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Junior League of Long Island
Who needs playgrounds? (Everyone!)
How important is play? Well, according to the American Heart Association, lack of physical activity is a major risk factor for developing coronary artery disease even for children and adolescents.…
Everyone wants volunteers, right?
Definitely. But what are we doing to attract them? To jumpstart the conversation, here’s what six Junior Leagues have done: The Junior League of New Orleans – As a result…
How do you dress for success without the dress?
Answer: You don’t. That’s the reality that a lot of low-income women in our country face. Even if they can get an appointment for a job interview, they don’t necessarily…
‘And the winner is…’
Every year, The Junior League has our own little Academy Awards presentation. Held at the AJLI Annual Conference, the Junior League Awards program recognizes individual Leagues and League members for…