Every year, The Junior League has our own little Academy Awards presentation. Held at the AJLI Annual Conference, the Junior League Awards program recognizes individual Leagues and League members for outstanding work, done on a scale that is impressive to all of us – precisely because we what it takes to perform at these high levels.
The 2012 Award winners as presented in San Francisco tell the tale.
- Mary Harriman Community Leadership Award: New Orleans was still reeling from the human and economic devastation of Hurricane Katrina when Anne McDonald Milling formed a new organization called Women of the Storm to lobby Congress for immediate assistance.
- Rising Star Award: The Junior League of San Diego’s Megan Elizabeth Lim demonstrates the power of voluntarism through her enthusiastic embrace of civic leadership, both within her Junior League and within the larger community.
- Membership Development Award: The Junior League of Boca Raton addressed retention issues with an innovative new curriculum to fully integrate Provisionals into the League. Honorable mention: The Junior League of Durham and Orange Counties for its highly effective membership advisor placement program.
- Mary Harriman Community Leadership Award
Anne McDonald Milling - Rising Star Award
Junior League of San Diego, CA - JL Award for Vision Winner
Jenny Barker, Junior League of Hartford, CT - JL Award for Fund Development
Junior League of Tampa, FL - JL Award for Marketing
Junior League of Long Island, NY - Junior League Community Impact Award
Junior League of New Orleans, LA - JL Award for Leadership Development
Tonda West, Junior League of Collin County, TX
- Vision Award: The Junior League of Hartford tackled a big issue – hunger – with a League-wide initiative that motivated members and raised its profile in the Hartford community. Honorable mention: The Junior League of Oklahoma City for its community-based financial literacy program.
- Fund Development Award: The Junior League of Tampa showed how to breathe new life into an annual fundraising campaign in a tough economy. Honorable mention: The Junior League of Oklahoma City for innovations in its annual campaign.
- Marketing Award: Concerned about recruitment and retention issues, the Junior League of Long Island made an aggressive push to raise its visibility in two of New York’s largest counties. Honorable mention: The Junior League of Kansas City for success in promoting its holiday market on a tight budget.
- Community Impact Award: In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Junior League of New Orleans found a way to help struggling nonprofits by providing training for their new board members.
- Leadership Development Award: The Junior League of Collin County found a great way to raise its visibility and influence through a program that immersed its members in all facets of community and civic life.