I feel like we are all running in a marathon of mourning. We barely catch our breath from one unthinkable act before another takes place. We try to move forward, but a finish line of humanity seems out of reach.
Once again we come together to mourn the senseless bombings during the Boston Marathon. Our hearts break for the families of those who lost their lives, and for those who were hurt. We reach out to everyone in our network to express our hopes that those you knew running the Boston Marathon or cheering runners on in person did so without harm…or nothing worse than a blister or two on tired feet.
Sadly, the marathon of mourning continued the next day, with the tragic explosion in West, Texas- only 20 miles from the Junior League of Waco. Different circumstances, but with devastating impact in a small community. Again, our hearts go out to the families and friends of all.
Susan E. Danish Executive Director
The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.