In February, AJLI joined the Vision 2020 Gender Equality Initiative, a project of the Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership® at Drexel University’s College of Medicine, which was conceived to stimulate dialogue about women and leadership in advance of the 100th anniversary, in 2020, of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

As a national ally of the initiative, AJLI will help shape the Vision 2020 platform by nominating delegates and committing to the “Declaration of Equality,” the action agenda that will be set at the American Conversation about Women and Leadership in Philadelphia scheduled for Oct. 21 -22, 2010.

“As an organization, we are honored to be associated with this important effort,” said said AJLI Executive Director Susan Danish. “Many Junior League members were early advocates of women’s suffrage and the passage of the 19th Amendment. Today, nearly 100 years later, Vision 2020 is a critical initiative for America’s women and complements many of The Junior League’s own programs to empower women as civic leaders.”

To learn more about the Vision 2020 initiative, visit