Organizations supporting women and girls receive the least philanthropic support
December is a big month for philanthropy. One third of annual giving takes place in December, and 12 percent of all giving happens in the last three days of the year! Almost a third of nonprofits raise as much as 50 percent of their funding by December 15. With so many worthwhile nonprofit organizations, competition for charitable donations can be fierce. Unfortunately, organizations like The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) and our 295 Member Leagues face challenges in securing an equitable piece of the philanthropic pie. While issues affecting women and girls continue to get more attention in the media, the organizations working to support women and girls represent the smallest area of philanthropic support—less than two percent. Reasons for this trend have to do in part with who gives and how they choose to give.
There is a difference between how men and women give
According to Laura Gilman, Chief of Staff, SVP Strategic Partnerships at AJLI, “Women want to establish a relationship with organizations they give to. They want transformative experiences not transactional.” This way of thinking about giving—as well as giving based on values, empathy, and impact—is what makes a difference for organizations like ours. Unfortunately, women don’t make charitable investments as often as men do. Fidelity Charitable’s 2021 Annual Giving report points to research showing that women are less confident than men when it comes to managing investments. There is also a gap in men and women’s understanding of advanced charitable planning.
You can change this pattern
Like hundreds of thousands of Junior League women, you may choose to give by sharing your time with communities and organizations. This form of giving is so important. At the same time, we hope more women will feel confident and educated about managing charitable investments. “Women and their contributions are the future of the Junior League,” says Gilman.
A great resource for finding charities that support the causes that matter to you most is Charity Navigator.
This holiday season, as you spend time with loved ones and reflect on the things you hold most dear, we hope you will also consider giving in a meaningful way to support a Junior League in your community.
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