While the National Women’s History Museum is still waiting for a permanent home in Washington, DC, Mary Harriman has found a home on its website, where she joins other Junior League member such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Chase Smith and Shirley Temple Black as examples of American women who helped to shape American history, politics and institutions for the better.
The National Women’s History Museum was founded in 1996 by Karen K. Staser to preserve and celebrate the role of women across our country’s history. At this point, it exists only as a website. Legislation to authorize it was first introduced as a bill in the House by past-Junior League member Representative Carolyn Maloney in 2009, but the initiative to build the first national museum in Washington, DC dedicated exclusively to women failed to pass in the Senate. It will be reintroduced this Congress.
Supporters can sign a petition here urging passage of the National Women’s History Museum Act to give the National Women’s History Museum a permanent home in Washington, D.C.
AJLI is a member of the NWHM National Coalition, which includes some of the best-known women’s professional and service organizations in the U.S.