Your Highlights from the 2013 AJLI Winter Leadership Conference
What is the Junior League Disaster Fund?
The Junior League’s Transformation: The road-trip continues . . .
Yes, We Did Do More than ‘Just Play Bridge’ Back Then
The Junior League Remembers: Cornelia Fort, Pilot
But Cornelia Fort wanted to fly, and fly she did. She took her first flying lesson in 1940, shortly after her father died. She soon became first female flight instructor in Nashville.
So What Else Was Julia Child Known For?
The Volunteer Powerhouse, Chapter 2
We are given an in-depth portrait of the energetic and strong-willed Mary Harriman, who was intent on not living the life of the stereotypical sheltered rich girl by doing something meaningful with her life – and convincing her peers to do likewise. While commuting to Barnard one day in her horse-drawn carriage known as a sulky — or floating in a lake on her parents’ 20,000-acre estate in Orange County, N.Y. on another (reports conflict as to the timing of her idea)–she is said to have mused exuberantly that she and her fellow debutantes would go to work in the settlements on New York’s impoverished Lower East Side, work she had heard about in a lecture by Louise Lockwood.
The Junior League: 100 Years of Volunteer Service, Chapter 2
The Volunteer Powerhouse, Chapter 1
This time we’re digging inside The Volunteer Powerhouse, an excellent history of The Junior League authored by Janet Gordon and Diana Reische and published in 1982 by The Rutledge Press.