Posts by tag
postpartum depression
Beyond the ‘Baby Blues’
This is the second guest post by Joy Burkhard, a founder, Executive Director and Board Chair of 2020 Mom, a national nonprofit dedicated to closing gaps in maternal mental health…
Sometimes Being A New Mother Hurts
This month’s guest post is by Joy Burkhard, a founder, Executive Director and Board Chair of 2020 Mom, a national nonprofit dedicated to closing gaps in maternal mental health care…
What Else Do You Need To Know About Mother’s Day?
Mother’s Day as a national holiday in the U.S. turns 103 this year, and its popularity as a special day for Mom has spread widely around the world. The holiday’s…
And the winner is…the Junior League of Los Angeles!
Maybe it helps to be in LA, but the Junior League of Los Angeles has just been named the winner of a prestigious 2012 Women in Film PSA Production Award…
Sometimes You Just Need to Change the Law
Junior Leagues are usually focused on issues and problems in their own communities. But what can we do to make a difference when the issue we want to address goes…
Small Risk, Big Reward
How Perinatal Mood Disorders Took Center Stage in the California State Assembly Flipping through a Glamour magazine in September of 2008, Junior League of Los Angeles Provisional member Britt Bowe…