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New York
Are You Ready for the Holidays? (We Are.)
Junior Leagues have, for decades, created and run some amazing projects addressing big problems like childhood obesity, women’s health, illiteracy, alcoholism and foster care. So it’s ironic that many community…
Does what we do really make a difference?
That’s a question many people who volunteer their time and talent have asked, at one time for another. In answering that question, at least at The Junior League, you need…
It’s always nice to be noticed
Most of the work we do at The Junior League is quiet work. A project might be done in a day, but it takes weeks and months of set-up and…
So what do people think of when they hear ‘Super Bowl’?
Let’s check on Google and see.
Search Super Bowl and parties and you get 60.4 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and chili and you get 1.16 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and prostitution and you get 350,000 hits.
Happy 129th Birthday, Mary!
You know her as the founder of The Junior League. And it’s a remarkable story. At 19, a young New York debutante, daughter of one of the richest men in America, mobilizes a group of 80 other young women, hence the name “Junior” League, to work to improve child health, nutrition and literacy among poor immigrants living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Girl…How Things Have Changed!
Eleven decades ago, when Mary Harriman and her fellow Junior Leaguers wanted to communicate, they likely sent a telegram or picked up a telephone receiver and asked an operator to dial an alpha-numeric code — “Murray Hill 2977” was the code at the New York City office in 1914 — over a crackly line. That is, if they weren’t dispatching a manservant to hand-deliver a handwritten note on parchment sealed with wax.
Is New Jersey the Capital of Human Trafficking in the U.S.?
Maybe not. But we’re probably close. Because of our location, transportation network and diverse population, New Jersey, like New York City, is a hub for all kinds of human trafficking. …
Who Was Mary Harriman?
What makes 160,000 women in 4 countries join a women’s volunteer organization dedicated to fostering civic leadership? The enduring legacy of Junior League founder, Mary Harriman. But who was Mary…
How One Woman Made a Difference
At The Junior League, we spend a lot of time thinking about the power of volunteer groups. But sometimes, it’s awe-inspiring to look at what one a single determined woman can do.
Take Lorri Unumb, a member of the Junior League of Columbia, SC. In 2005, as the mother of a 4-year-old boy in South Carolina recently diagnosed with severe autism, she took up the challenge to get her medical insurance company to cover the cost of treatments for her son, Ryan…
Government + the Junior League: a Natural Fit?
The answer is yes, at least for Mary Norwood, heading into a mayoral runoff in her hometown of Atlanta. The Democrat and member of the Junior League of Atlanta turned…