Girl…How Things Have Changed!

Eleven decades ago, when Mary Harriman and her fellow Junior Leaguers wanted to communicate, they likely sent a telegram or picked up a telephone receiver and asked an operator to dial an alpha-numeric code — “Murray Hill 2977” was the code at the New York City office in 1914 — over a crackly line. That is, if they weren’t dispatching a manservant to hand-deliver a handwritten note on parchment sealed with wax.
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Empty Backpacks on the First Day of School?

Back-to-school inevitably brings a bit of anxiety for both parent and child. For the kid, summer’s almost over. For the parents (let’s face it, usually the mom) there’s the stress of shopping for back-to-school supplies.

So in a perfect world, Junior Leagues wouldn’t have back-to-school programs because every kid would have parents who can buy a backpack’s worth of school supplies.

But this isn’t a perfect world.

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Who Was Mary Harriman?

What makes 160,000 women in 4 countries join a women’s volunteer organization dedicated to fostering civic leadership? The enduring legacy of Junior League founder, Mary Harriman. But who was Mary…
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