Posts by tag
leadership development
Your Highlights from the 2013 AJLI Fall Leadership Conference
In late September 2013, Junior League leaders met up in Detroit for the AJLI Fall Leadership Conference. Find out what they learned and saw in their own words and images.
Time to celebrate National Volunteer Week! (And leadership training!)
By a fortunate accident of the calendar, this year’s Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.’s Annual Conference comes during National Volunteer Week (April 15-21). That makes this a particularly good…
What’s the value of ‘volunteer experience’?
Just ask Olivia Thomas. Corporate finance executive, single mother, legislative insider, and life-long volunteer, Olivia Thomas has played a variety of impactful roles. Now serving as the executive director of…
Tweet this: Tell us why you joined #JuniorLeague!
The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma sent out that Tweet at a little after 1:30 p.m. PDT on August 17. Within minutes, retweets started coming in from all over The Association.…