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Junior League
The Volunteer Powerhouse, Chapter 1
This time we’re digging inside The Volunteer Powerhouse, an excellent history of The Junior League authored by Janet Gordon and Diana Reische and published in 1982 by The Rutledge Press.
Let’s face it – most cyber-bullying starts at school
We’re talking about cyber-bullying, and it almost always starts at school. For the most part, cyber-bullying is like other forms of bullying – and kids survive it and move on. But sometimes they don’t – as we saw in the recent suicides of Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi and Massachusetts high school student Phoebe Prince.
So you think college is expensive?
Small Risk, Big Reward
Worried about childhood obesity? Start with Halloween.
So what does “take on an empty stomach” really mean?
Five Years After Katrina: Lessons from New Orleans
How Do You Plan to Celebrate Literacy Month?
Making of the Roadmap
Danish and the AJLI Board and Staff, over the course of several years of research and analysis, had discovered a troubling trend. Junior League membership, since peaking at just under 200,000 in the late 1990s, had been in gradual decline for more than a decade.