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Junior League of Birmingham
In a Divided Time, How The Junior League is Showing the Way
“It’s like a little hippie, mini-Austin kind of feel,” is how Carla Hallman describes her hometown—a town she still sees as defined by its inordinate amount of non-profit organizations, farmers’…
Can we end domestic violence?
Given the fact that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, that’s a good question. Here’s what we know – 35 years after the first awareness month, domestic violence remains…
Do we still need public libraries?
Good question. Some people think that the Internet and the all-encompassing digital age it brought means that we don’t. After all, information is available to anyone, at any time, with…
What Color Was Your Prom Dress?
We can’t find statistics on the number of girls who don’t go to their high school proms every year because they can’t afford a prom dress and the shoes and…
It’s not just the NFL’s problem. (It’s ours.)
Everyone’s talking about the NFL’s action (or inaction) on disciplining Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice after video surfaced of Rice punching (and knocking out) his fiancée (now his wife)…
The fight against human trafficking is big enough for all of us…and then some
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Its victims are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex or forced labor. They are young children,…
Junior Leagues break out in song!
It’s either the power of social media or the enthusiasm of amateur singing enthusiasts, but when we put this simple question on our Facebook page recently – We at AJLI…
What do football and car shows have in common?
When they’re the Super Bowl, the biggest football game, and the North American International Auto Show, the biggest car show, chances are it’s crowds and human trafficking. Combined, they are…
What weighs 2-1/2 tons and fights against childhood obesity?
The Junior League of Birmingham’s Project Yummy food truck. Like more than 200 Junior Leagues, JLB is a loyal participant in AJLI’s Kids in the Kitchen program, which brings the…