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Maybe that’s why they call it ‘seed money.’
National Nutrition Month may be over for this year, but let’s talk about our Kids in the Kitchen program, which is the recipient of a $75,000 award from Kashi as…
Is there a food desert near your community?
Maybe. The fact is, millions of Americans live in what the USDA defines as a food desert: a low-income census tract whose residents have low access to a supermarket or…
What is it about Thanksgiving?
Americans have had a love affair with Thanksgiving for generations (along with Canadians, though they celebrate it in October). And, while it is an intensely family-oriented holiday (with lots of…
Do we really need a national Food Day?
Well, we have one now. October 24 is the first annual Food Day in the United States. Sponsored by an advocacy group called Center for Science in the Public Interest,…
Ready for National Junk Food Day?
It’s real…but it’s also a joke. July 21 is now designated as the day when we are encouraged to eat all the junk food we want—cheeseburgers with bacon, nachos with…
The Good Food Paradox
In a nation criss-crossed by strip malls dotted with fast-food restaurants where one thousand-calorie meals are available in an instant for less than what it costs to buy a gallon…
Does Hunger Stop in Summer?
No. Maybe that’s why June is National Hunger Awareness Month. But, at The Junior Leagues, we believe that hunger – and its companion, childhood obesity – is a year-round concern.…