Posts by tag
human trafficking
Reno takes a stand against human trafficking in Nevada
You’ve heard a lot from us lately on what The Junior League is doing about human trafficking, particularly in terms of sexual trafficking of women and minors. It was an…
The power of Junior Leagues united!
Junior Leagues have long valued their identities as independent organizations, tied together by a common heritage and served and supported by AJLI as an umbrella organization. And that’s good! But…
Is human trafficking really one of ‘our’ issues?
Yes. It is. The AJLI Board made a commitment to Leagues during the last Annual Conference to continue to provide opportunities for education about human trafficking, whether for sexual exploitation…
Why is advocacy like baseball?
Because walks and singles are much more common than homeruns…but homeruns are great when they happen! Just look at the results achieved during the 2012 legislative session by the Junior…
Can one person make a difference?
Human trafficking is an increasingly important issue within The Junior League, with key initiatives taking place at the state level through the New York State Public Affairs Committee of the…
What happens when you put a human face on the problem?
Consider Carissa Phelps. Successful lawyer. Prosperous businesswoman. Author of an up-coming book. Former commercially sexually exploited child. Something doesn’t fit there? You might be surprised… For those of you who…
Human trafficking is a global problem
. . .that knows no borders. Today, around the world, there are more people held in slavery than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade. The United Nations estimates…
Yes, We Did Do More than ‘Just Play Bridge’ Back Then
One of this year’s hottest summer movies looks to be The Help, the entertaining screen version of the best-seller of the same name. Because The Junior League—or at least a…
It’s always nice to be noticed
Most of the work we do at The Junior League is quiet work. A project might be done in a day, but it takes weeks and months of set-up and…
So what do people think of when they hear ‘Super Bowl’?
Let’s check on Google and see.
Search Super Bowl and parties and you get 60.4 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and chili and you get 1.16 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and prostitution and you get 350,000 hits.