In Memoriam: Jean Webb Vaughan Smith

When Jean Webb Vaughan Smith died in January in Los Angeles, at the age of 93, she was best known to many as a close friend of Nancy and Ronald Reagan and a Washington insider in the Eisenhower and Reagan administrations. Fair on both counts.

But Jean was also a true Junior Leaguer.

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Who Was Mary Harriman?

What makes 160,000 women in 4 countries join a women’s volunteer organization dedicated to fostering civic leadership? The enduring legacy of Junior League founder, Mary Harriman. But who was Mary…
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Making A Difference: Kay Hagan

Kay Hagan knows that you do not make a difference standing on the sideline. And she thanks her experience with the Junior League for teaching her the skills necessary to become a US Senator.

Kay goes to work every day focused solely on what is best for North Carolina – building on what works, eliminating what doesn’t. She has earned a reputation as a no-nonsense legislator who knows good ideas do not come with a party label

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