Posts by tag
Who wouldn’t want to stop child abuse?
So What Else Was Julia Child Known For?
So how do you make an impact?
So what do people think of when they hear ‘Super Bowl’?
Search Super Bowl and parties and you get 60.4 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and chili and you get 1.16 million hits.
Search Super Bowl and prostitution and you get 350,000 hits.
What’s in a name?
What's in a name?
What Can ‘Volunteers’ Achieve?
Founded in 1970, California SPAC is one of The Junior League’s oldest and largest state public affairs committees, whose goals are to serve as the voice of the women and children in the communities they serve by introducing and supporting state legislation that improves the lives of women and children in the communities we serve. Other Junior League SPACs are in New Jersey, New York, Georgia, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington State, along with single-League advocacy groups in St. Louis and Denver. Some 95 individual Leagues with more than 52,000 members are involved these efforts across the country.
Worried about childhood obesity? Start with Halloween.
What Do We Stand For?
Empty Backpacks on the First Day of School?
So in a perfect world, Junior Leagues wouldn’t have back-to-school programs because every kid would have parents who can buy a backpack’s worth of school supplies.
But this isn’t a perfect world.