Posts by tag
childhood obesity
True or False: Nutrition Is Important.
The answer seems obvious, right? But creating broad awareness of the true importance of nutrition as a public policy issue, and not just a matter of personal choice, is not…
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month (Pass the word!)
In case you missed it, President Obama has again proclaimed September as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. And you probably did miss it, as the media seem to have moved…
Let’s start by talking about nutrition!
Maybe you already know this, but March is National Nutrition Month. And that’s a good thing! It’s no secret that developed countries are faced with soaring obesity rates, particularly for…
Happy Birthday, Kids in the Kitchen!
When the Junior Leagues’ Kids in the Kitchen program was launched in 2006, childhood obesity was just starting to ramp up as a major concern among public policymakers. Now, with…
What weighs 2-1/2 tons and fights against childhood obesity?
The Junior League of Birmingham’s Project Yummy food truck. Like more than 200 Junior Leagues, JLB is a loyal participant in AJLI’s Kids in the Kitchen program, which brings the…
A Slow Battle for the Young and Overweight
Recently published reports show declines in the rates of obesity among children in both urban metropolises and smaller cities and towns. Though preliminary and confined for the most part to…
Who needs playgrounds? (Everyone!)
How important is play? Well, according to the American Heart Association, lack of physical activity is a major risk factor for developing coronary artery disease even for children and adolescents.…
What do girls need to know about life?
You’ve seen it in the media. You’ve talked about it with other parents. And sometimes your own daughter will open up and talk about it. It goes by a lot…
What does Kids in the Kitchen have to do with Halloween?
Not much. KITK programs typically take place in the spring. Halloween, well, you know. KITK focuses on helping children make healthy choices about food and nutrition. Halloween, well, you know.…
Do we really need a national Food Day?
Well, we have one now. October 24 is the first annual Food Day in the United States. Sponsored by an advocacy group called Center for Science in the Public Interest,…