Posts by tag
childhood education
Just how important are museums?
Very! For over 35 years, May 18 has been celebrated worldwide as International Museum Day, to raise public awareness about the role of museums in the development of society. But…
So what about numerical literacy?
Because reading and children’s literacy programs are the cornerstone of many Leagues’ community outreach initiatives, we try to give a shout out every March to National Reading Month. This year…
Dear New York Times, please call us next time…
Old stereotypes die hard. We were reminded of that obvious fact on reading an Op-Ed in The New York Times over the weekend that managed to drag one of our…
It’s back-to-school time!
Only a few weeks ago we wrote about a variety of summer projects by Junior Leagues; but, with the first day of school only weeks or even days away for most kids,…
Let’s bring back the old-fashioned school field trip!
Back-to-school programs have long been a favorite end-of-summer member initiative for many Junior Leagues (see here and here). And they provide a valuable service for many families who may not…
Does what we do really make a difference?
That’s a question many people who volunteer their time and talent have asked, at one time for another. In answering that question, at least at The Junior League, you need…
Yes, We Did Do More than ‘Just Play Bridge’ Back Then
One of this year’s hottest summer movies looks to be The Help, the entertaining screen version of the best-seller of the same name. Because The Junior League—or at least a…
School Isn’t Free
As families begin to think about back-to-school shopping, some naturally have anxiety – economic anxiety. It’s no secret that the economy is still in a rough patch. But for families…
So how do you make an impact?
Good question. Like many Leagues, the Junior League of Oakland-East Bay (JLOEB) has wrestled with it for decades. And the answer, at least in the past, has been: Start something…
How Do You Plan to Celebrate Literacy Month?
Because September is National Literacy Month in the U.S. – and September 8 is designated by UNESCO as International Literacy Day – maybe it’s time to reflect on the fact…