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child trafficking
What is CSE/HT? (Hint: It involves children.)
It’s a handy catchphrase for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children/Human Trafficking, which the Junior League of Atlanta adopted as a focus area in 2013. JLA offers up these statistics to…
What do football and car shows have in common?
When they’re the Super Bowl, the biggest football game, and the North American International Auto Show, the biggest car show, chances are it’s crowds and human trafficking. Combined, they are…
What happens when you put a human face on the problem?
Consider Carissa Phelps. Successful lawyer. Prosperous businesswoman. Author of an up-coming book. Former commercially sexually exploited child. Something doesn’t fit there? You might be surprised… For those of you who…
Human trafficking is a global problem
. . .that knows no borders. Today, around the world, there are more people held in slavery than at the height of the transatlantic slave trade. The United Nations estimates…