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Advocating for Maternal Mental Health
The most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth are maternal mental health conditions, which affect 1 in 5 women and childbearing individuals during and in the first year after pregnancy.…
Joy Burkhard. Volunteer.
It is not unusual in The Junior League for a member to really dig into an assignment and become an expert as well as a catalyst for change in that…
3 Questions: Caroline Vance Bruister & Virginia Chambers, Co-Chairs of CalSPAC
Representing 17 member Leagues across the state and acting on behalf of their nearly 10,000 members, the Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee advocates for policies that improve…
3 Questions: Caroline Vance Bruister & Virginia Chambers, Co-Chairs of CalSPAC
Representing 17 member Leagues across the state and acting on behalf of their nearly 10,000 members, the Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee advocates for policies that improve…
The fight against human trafficking is big enough for all of us…and then some
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Its victims are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex or forced labor. They are young children,…
The power of Junior Leagues united!
Junior Leagues have long valued their identities as independent organizations, tied together by a common heritage and served and supported by AJLI as an umbrella organization. And that’s good! But…
How did Julie Elginer get involved in California state government?
It started out as a way to see how a Junior League member-leadership initiative worked. It ended up as a way to see how she can make a difference in…
What happens when you put a human face on the problem?
Consider Carissa Phelps. Successful lawyer. Prosperous businesswoman. Author of an up-coming book. Former commercially sexually exploited child. Something doesn’t fit there? You might be surprised… For those of you who…
Do we really need a national Food Day?
Well, we have one now. October 24 is the first annual Food Day in the United States. Sponsored by an advocacy group called Center for Science in the Public Interest,…
Sometimes You Just Need to Change the Law
Junior Leagues are usually focused on issues and problems in their own communities. But what can we do to make a difference when the issue we want to address goes…