Join our Manager of League Programs, Emma Briggs, for an interview with Kate Lee, Sustainer (and Past President) of the Junior League of The Oranges and Short Hills and Executive Director of the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT)!
About the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking
The New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT) is a fully volunteer-run 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2011 that coordinates statewide community efforts to end sex and labor trafficking in New Jersey. Comprising 200 volunteers and more than 180 affiliates—including nonprofits, faith-based organizations, academics, law enforcement, and direct service providers, it works to empower communities with the knowledge of what human trafficking is, how to prevent it, and how to support those affected by it.
Volunteers work via committees often tied to professions such as the Healthcare Committee, which conducts specialized training to help identify trafficking victims seeking medical attention and how to offer a trauma-informed response; the Education Committee, which engages teachers, administrators and students to utilize innovative techniques to raise awareness; the Slave Free Commerce Committee, shining a light on supply chains where slavery is part of the daily items we buy and consume; the Legislative Committee, working to improve laws and policies, and many more.
NJCAHT organizes speaking events, outreach, and educational programs to inform people of all ages about the physical, psychological, and financial effects of human trafficking and forced labor—and how they can help prevent or end it. More information can be found at
1 comment
Is the Charlotte NC Junior League involved with this coalition in any way? I am a Sustainer who would be interested in getting involved.