Eleven decades ago, when Mary Harriman and her fellow Junior Leaguers wanted to communicate, they likely sent a telegram or picked up a telephone receiver and asked an operator to dial an alpha-numeric code — “Murray Hill 2977” was the code at the New York City office in 1914 — over a crackly line. That is, if they weren’t dispatching a manservant to hand-deliver a handwritten note on parchment sealed with wax.
These days, The Junior League has marshaled all forms of communications technology to connect members to one another and to share important messages that resonate with members. Using the magical platform of social media, AJLI has watched its collective voice, the voice of 160,000 members, go viral. The result is an incredibly powerful and collaborative discourse, an interactive and democratic exchange of ideas and best practices that exponentially enhances our impact.
Be sure to check us out on ajli.org, where you can register as a member, giving you entrée to the Groups section, which is dedicated to topics that interest you and access to data on what other Leagues are doing.
In addition, note that we are regularly uploading news and content to connected online, home of our “What We’re Thinking” blog, posting thoughts on our Facebook page, and tweeting on Twitter about important developments in the communities we serve. We are delighted to report that at press time we had accumulated more than 3,700 Facebook fans and 1,500 followers on Twitter who frequently tweet and re-tweet.
And our suite of videos is available on YouTube as well as on the website.