Posts by author
Susan Danish
Sadness and Questions
This weekend I delivered packages of food and toys to families in need in Brooklyn. As the excited children greeted me at their apartment doors, I could not help but…
The Fiscal Cliff and the Charitable Deduction Policy
The Budget Deficit. The Fiscal Cliff. Higher Taxes. Cuts to Entitlements. Whether funded through the government or by private donations, it’s hard for many U.S. nonprofit organizations not to feel…
So much to be grateful for…Thanksgiving in the United States
Thanksgiving in the United States is a time when we not only enjoy a bounty of good food and drink—and the company of those important to us—but also when we…
Superstorm Sandy
In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, I am reminded why I do what I do—why Junior League women do what they do. Watching the news, I was struck by the…
What Leaders Can Learn from the Olympics
I don’t know about all of you, but every four years I find myself watching and caring about things I don’t usually even think about…beach volleyball, cycling, synchronized diving to…
Reflections on Aurora
How do you explain a tragedy like the killings in Aurora, Colorado last weekend? Lives lost. Innocence lost. The unthinkable once again a reality. The news has been filled with…
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that mean the most
As we approach the end of the year and I reflect back on all that transpired in 2011, I realize it was a tumultuous year marked by a dizzying array…
Pausing to say thanks…
As we pause to give thanks for all of the things we take for granted throughout the rest of the year, I wanted to share with you some of the…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The month of October, now recognized around the world as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, brings to the forefront of our minds an illness that has touched each and everyone of…
The Tenth Anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
As we approach the tenth anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, we cannot help but mourn the loss of so many lives brimming with hope and flickering with the bright…