Posts by author
Guest Author
Nonprofits and the ‘Promise of America’
This guest post is by Junior League of Buffalo member and former AJLI President Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker, who came to this country as a child with her family as Cuban…
Beyond the ‘Baby Blues’
This is the second guest post by Joy Burkhard, a founder, Executive Director and Board Chair of 2020 Mom, a national nonprofit dedicated to closing gaps in maternal mental health…
Sometimes Being A New Mother Hurts
This month’s guest post is by Joy Burkhard, a founder, Executive Director and Board Chair of 2020 Mom, a national nonprofit dedicated to closing gaps in maternal mental health care…
More than “just” playgrounds and gardens.
Being a Catalyst for Lasting Community Change is harder than you think. Lasting change requires community buy-in because transformation requires deep roots and wide support. One way to build support for community change…
Guest Post: Enhancing Cultural Competence by Volunteering Abroad
The following guest post was authored by Brittany Kutz, Junior League of Ogden. My first realization that there were other cultures than my own was when I was 9 or…
Is New Jersey the Capital of Human Trafficking in the U.S.?
Maybe not. But we’re probably close. Because of our location, transportation network and diverse population, New Jersey, like New York City, is a hub for all kinds of human trafficking. …